Vitamin E, natural antioxidant

What is vit E ?

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant effects. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are electrons that have broken off from an atom. Free radicals have been linked Trusted Source to a wide range of health conditions, from cancer to premature aging There are numerous possible benefits of vitamin E for skin, especially in people with dry or itchy skin, psoriasis, and eczema. It may also help prevent wrinkles, heal wounds, and make scars less visible. Vitamin E potential benefits derive from two key features: its antioxidant properties, which could fight inflammation and slow the effects of free radicals, and its moisturizing.

Benefits of vit E ?

  • Moisturizing skin : Vitamin E is found in many moisturizers, and the oil may be used as a moisturizer to prevent or treat dry, flaking skin.
  • Wound healing : Some research suggests that vitamin E supplements Trusted Source may promote wound healing.
  • Reducing skin itching : Because it moisturizes the skin, however, it may offer temporary relief from itching caused by dry skin.
  • Keeping skin well moisturised may help to prevent dry skin, and prevent symptoms such as itchiness.
  • Psoriasis : At least one study Trusted Source has linked topical vitamin E to a reduction in psoriasis symptoms. Even better, the study showed that there were no serious side effects.
  • However, the effects of vitamin E on psoriasis were not as good as most readily available treatments. Vitamin E might be a good option for people who want to avoid prescription remedies and who have mild psoriasis.
  • Preventing or treating fine lines and wrinkles . Dry skin tends to look more wrinkled than well-moisturized skin. The moisturizing benefits of vitamin E may help the skin look more youthful and less wrinkled.
  • Sunburn prevention: Because vitamin E can moisturize and soothe dry, flaky skin, it may help to relieve the burning and itching that result from a sunburn. it’s both a ‘humectant’ and an ’emollient’ – so it helps your skin absorb water and traps it within the skin too.

Vit E and UV

After topical application, vitamin E accumulates not only in cell membranes but also in the extracellular lipid matrix of the stratum corneum, where vitamin E contributes to antioxidant defenses. However, much of a topically applied dose of vitamin E alone will be destroyed in the skin following exposure to UV light . This suggests that although vitamin E is working as an antioxidant, it is unstable on its own and easily lost from the skin. Thus, improving the stability of topical applications with vitamin E is important. Products containing both vitamin C and vitamin E have shown greater efficacy in photoprotection than either antioxidant alone(see Photoprotection).

Vit E for topical use

Products containing vitamin E as an ingredient may be easier to apply for overall use on skin. Problem areas that are very dry, such as the cuticles and elbows, might benefit from topical application of vitamin E .
Vitamin E is available in cream form and as an oil for topical use. It’s added to many cosmetic products, including anti-aging creams, eye serums, sunscreens, and makeup.
Vitamin E easily absorbs into skin. Topical use via creams or other products may increase the amount of vitamin E stored within the sebaceous glands.

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